Вестник Камчатской региональной ассоциации «Учебно-научный центр»
Институт вулканологии и сейсмологии ДВО РАН
Основы построения стандарта метаданных по рельефу подводных гор

Ключевые слова

geoinformation system
morphological characteristics


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1. Асавин А. М., Жулёва Е. В. Основы построения стандарта метаданных по рельефу подводных гор // Вестник КРАУНЦ. Серия: Науки о Земле. 2009. № 2 (14). C. 143–152. извлечено от http://www.kscnet.ru/journal/kraesc/article/view/504.


The indexed data storage containing the data on the geometry of the sea mounts requires creation of a modern information system. Metadata is another important factor in deployment of the geoinformation system that will keep logical structure and semantic meaning of the stored data. The paper provides a description for the standard metadata and the comments to the information included into the description of the seamounts geometry. Development of the standard for the metadata of the sea mounts geometry has a goal to create complete and brief features of an object. The introduced format for the special database includes data on morphology, geology, and geophysics essential for the complete description of the sea mounts geometry and its historical and genesis analysis. Available information and free data access for gravimetric analysis make the research diverse and reliable.

Библиографические ссылки

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