No.5, 2008

Simultaneous English language translation of the journal is available from Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.
Distributed worldwide by Springer, Journal of Volcanology and Seismology ISSN 0742-0463.

The Time-Dependent Variation of Hydrogeochemical Characteristics, Thermal Regime, and Biocenoses
in the Fresh and Thermal Waters of the Lake Karymskii Basin Following the Catastrophis
Underwater Eruption of 1996 in the Akademii Nauk Caldera, Kamchatka

G.A. Karpov, E.G. Lupikina, A.G. Nikolaeva, A.Yu. Bychkov, SA. Lapitski, I.Yu Nikolaeva

Deformations Related to a Large (M = 6.9) Earthquake, the Magma Discharge,
and Eruptions in the Karymskii Volcanic Center in 1996-2005

M.A. Maguskin, S.A. Fedotov, V.E. Levin, V.F. Bakhtiarov

Two Types of Lava Fields_and the Mechanism of their Generation

Yu.B. Slezin

An Experimental Study of the Structure of Convective Magma Rows in a Complete System:
Mantle Chamber-Intermediate Chamber-Volcano

L.Sh. Bazarov, V.I. Gordeeva, E.I. Petrushin

A Physico-Chemical Model for Deep Degassing of Water-Rich Magma

A. P. Maksimov

Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Studies of the Shugo Mud Volcano

B. M. Glinskii, A. L. Sobisevich, A. G. Fatyanov, M. S. Khairetdinov

On the 70th Anniversary of Gennadii Aleksandrovich Karpov