Т.К. Pinegina, Е.А. Kravchunovskaya, А.V. Lander,
A.I. Kozhurin, J. Bourgeois, Е.М. Martin

Institute of Volcanology and Seismology FEB RAS, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683006
International Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Geophysics RAS, Moscow, 117997
Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119017
University of Washington, USA, WA 98195-1310

IThe article provides new data on rates and direction of vertical movement of the coast of Kamchatsky Peninsula collected from geological and geomorphologic studies of the Holocene marine aggradational terraces. For the first time we suggest an innovative method for reconstruction of ancient shorelines and estimation of parameters of vertical tectonic movements (for time intervals ranging from several hundreds to several thousands years). The authors revealed that tectonic movements of the coast of Kamchatsky Peninsula during the Holocene were very irregular and resulted in the reversal point of direction of vertical movements for the same part of the coast. Average vertical movement rates (range from -1.1 to +10.9 mm/yr) for last ~2000 years almost coincide with instrumentally registered vertical movement rates for the period of few decades. The article shows that tectonic movements along the coast Kamchatsky Peninsula are sharply differentiated, and certain correlation is revealed between areas with different parameters of movements and distribution of known active faults. The article demonstrates that average vertical movements rates were the highest for the shortest observed time period, which is ~340 years long. It is concluded that Holocene vertical movements of the peninsula were most likely of coseismic nature.

Keywords: Holocene marine aggradational terraces, rates and directions of vertical movements.

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