Vestnik Kamchatskoy regional'noy assotsiatsii «Uchebno-nauchnyy tsentr». Seriya: Nauki o Zemle
Institute of Volcanology and Seismology FEB RAS
Soils in the vicinity of «Kotel» and «Ivanov Gryphon» thermal sites (Nalychevskaya hydrothermal system, Eastern Kamchatka)
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thermal springs
travertine deposits


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1. Kazakov Н. Soils in the vicinity of «Kotel» and «Ivanov Gryphon» thermal sites (Nalychevskaya hydrothermal system, Eastern Kamchatka) // Vestnik KRAUNTs. Nauki o Zemle. 2023. № 4 (60). C. 67–80.


Information about the soil cover in the vicinity of the «Kotel» and «Ivanova Gryphon» springs of the Nalychevo hydrothermal system is provided. A diagram of the soil cover is presented, and the boundaries of areas with different types of soils and travertine deposits are defined. Data on soil morphology in the surveyed area are discussed. The soils on the ancient travertine deposits of the «Kotel» spring develop according to the type of zonal soils characteristic to the Nalychevo area — volcanic stratified ash soil. It is shown that the travertines of the «Kotel» spring buried by the soil-pyroclastic cover, are characterized by stratification and inclusions of tephra interlayers. There are no signs of the beginning of soil formation on the surface of fresh travertine deposits zonal of the «Ivanova Gryphon» spring. Data on the state of the soil cover can be used in monitoring changes in soil cover under the influence of the ongoing deposition of salts from the «Ivanova Gryphon» spring and the anthropogenic impact of visitors to the «Nalychevo» Natural Park.
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