Vestnik Kamchatskoy regional'noy assotsiatsii «Uchebno-nauchnyy tsentr». Seriya: Nauki o Zemle
Institute of Volcanology and Seismology FEB RAS
The Paramushir Mw = 7.4 earthquake of March 25, 2020
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1. Chebrov Д., Abubakirov И., Gubanova А., Glukhov В., Lander А., Matveenko Е., Mityushkina С., Pavlov В., Saltykov В., Senyukov С., Titkov Н. The Paramushir Mw = 7.4 earthquake of March 25, 2020 // Vestnik KRAUNTs. Nauki o Zemle. 2023. № 2 (58). C. 49–66.


The strong Mw = 7.4 earthquake occurred on March 25, 2020 in the region of Northern Kuril Islands, with its epicenter on the ocean side of the Kuril-Kamchatka deep-water trench, to the east from its axis. The earthquake was felt on all the Kuril Islands, South and East Kamchatka, the maximum shaking was recorded in Severo-Kurilsk with intensity I = VI–VII. Distinct tsunami wave was also registered. In the article, this earthquake and its tectonic position are discussed in the context of the seismicity of the Kuril-Kamchatka arc. The actions of duty shifts in earthquake processing are described, and a detailed description of macroseismic effects is given. The results of the analysis of peak ground motion amplitudes, focal mechanisms and models of the source, tsunami propagation features are also shown. Coseismic displacements revealed by GNSS observation data are presented and compared with model data. Peculiarities and stages of the aftershock process are discussed and the size of the source area is estimated.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Д.В. Чебров, И.Р. Абубакиров, А.А. Губанова, В.Е. Глухов, А.В. Ландер, Е.А. Матвеенко, С.В. Митюшкина, В.М. Павлов, В.А. Салтыков, С.Л. Сенюков, Н.Н. Титков