Vestnik Kamchatskoy regional'noy assotsiatsii «Uchebno-nauchnyy tsentr». Seriya: Nauki o Zemle
Institute of Volcanology and Seismology FEB RAS
Explosive-effusive eruption of Alaid volcano in 2022 (Atlasova Island, Northern Kuril Islands)
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effusive-explosive eruption
ash clouds
lava flows


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1. Degterev А., Chibisova М., Romanyuk Ф. Explosive-effusive eruption of Alaid volcano in 2022 (Atlasova Island, Northern Kuril Islands) // Vestnik KRAUNTs. Nauki o Zemle. 2023. № 2 (58). C. 17–28.


Data are presented on a moderate effusive-explosive eruption of the summit crater of Alaid volcano (Atlasov Island, Northern Kuril Islands) observed from September 10 to December 1, 2022. Based on satellite and visual data, it was found that as a result of Strombolian-Volcan activity two lava flows, 2.6 and 1 km long, were poured out on the southern slope of the volcano, and at least 16 emissions occurred to a height of 2.5 to 6 km a.s.l. The ash plumes spread out mainly in the southeast and east-southeast directions, their maximum length reaching 300–500 km. The eruption posed a danger to local airlines. The lava outpouring provoked the formation of lahars that descended the southern slope of the volcano and reached the island coast.
The alluvial fan formed from mudflow masses partially deposited beyound the coastline, causing an increase in the island land.
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Copyright (c) 2023 А.В. Дегтерев, М.В. Чибисова, Ф.А. Романюк