Vestnik Kamchatskoy regional'noy assotsiatsii «Uchebno-nauchnyy tsentr». Seriya: Nauki o Zemle
Institute of Volcanology and Seismology FEB RAS
The beginning of restoration of forest vegetation after the february 27, 2005 pyroclastic surge from Sheveluch Volcano (Kamchatka)
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pyroclastic surge
edaphic factors
Salix udensis


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1. Гришин С., Перепелкина П., Бурдуковский М., Яковлева А. The beginning of restoration of forest vegetation after the february 27, 2005 pyroclastic surge from Sheveluch Volcano (Kamchatka) // Vestnik KRAUNTs. Nauki o Zemle. 2017. № 4 (36). C. 28–38. Retrieved from


In the spruce forest destroyed by a powerful pyroclastic surge, willow has been reestablishing on the surge deposits. Over a decade, the willow has formed a 6–8 m high canopy. The authors have specified the following factors that contributed to such a rapid reestablishing: a favourable moisture regime of the root zone caused by the deposition of the surge, the resources of the buried soil that feed the willows, and a certain protective role of dead trees. Prospects of further succession are being discussed; the authors have concluded that over about a 50-year-long period the willow will mostly fall out; by the end of the century the spruce will have partially restored its positions, but the stand will be mixed.
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