Klyuchevskoy Volcano
GVP Number  300260
IAVCEI Number  1000-26-
Location  56°3'20" N, 160°38'31" E
Last Eruption 2023/12/27 - 2024/1/2
Elevation 4750 m
The volcano belongs at the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes. It is located 30 km from Klyuchi and 360 km from Petropanlovsk-Kamchatsky.
Form and structure
It is a typical stratovolcano with a regular cone and a summit crater of 700 m in diameter. About 80 lateral explosive vents and scoria cones are situated on the flancs of the volcano 500-3600 m a.s.l.
Basalts, andesibasalts
7,000 years
Aviation color code
Last VONA/KVERT Releases
Hazard synopsis
Moderate potential hazards are caused by ash plumes, ash falls, lava flows and lahars. The volcano constitutes a potential hazard to international and local airlines at Kamchatka because its eruptive clouds can rise to a height of 8-15 km a.s.l. and extend for thousands of kilometers from the volcano to different directions.

Ash falls possible at:

Klyuchi (30 km to the north from the volcano)
Kozyrevsk (47 km to the west)
Ust’-Kamchatsk (120 km to the north-east)
Milkovo (200 km to the south-west)
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (360 km to the south-south-west)
Monitoring status
seismic, web video camera, satellite, visual
2023/12/27 – 2024/1/2  
2023/6/22 – 2023/11/5  
2022/11/16 – 2022/11/26  
2021/2/17 – 2021/3/20  
2020/9/30 – 2021/2/8  
2019/11/1 – 2020/7/3  
2019/4/8 – 2019/7/2  
2017/3/2 – 2018/6/15  
2016/4/3 – 2016/11/6  
2015/1/1 – 2015/3/24  
2013/8/15 – 2013/12/15  
2012/10/14 – 2013/1/10  
2009/9/16 – 2010/12/9  
2008/10/13 – 2009/1/27  
2007/2/15 – 2007/7/26  
2005/1/15 – 2005/4/10  
2003/5/11 – 2004/1/28  
1995/3/18 – 2000/9/22  
1993/3/15 – 1994/10/2  
1989 – 1990  
1987/2/24 – 1987/3/13  
1984 – 1988  
1983/3/8 – 1983/6/28  
1980/3/5 – 1980/3/12  
1974/8/23 – 1974/10/31  
1971 – 1974  
1966/10/6 – 1966/12/28  
1965/8 – 1966/10  
1960/12 – 1964/10  
1956/7/27 – 1956/8/1  
1953/6/7 – 1953/6/18  
1951/11/20 – 1951/11/21  
1946/10/23 – 1946/11/21  
1945/6/19 – 1945/7/7  
1944/12/5 – 1945/1/31  
1938/2/6 – 1939/4/6  
1937/4/3 – 1938/4/21  
1932/1/25 – 1932/12  
1931/3 – 1931/9  
1929/6/11 – 1930/1  
1925/4/4 – 1926/9  
1923/8 – 1923/9  
1915/1 – 1915/>3  
1909/8/20 – 1910/8/20  
1907/8/3 – 1907/8  
1904/1 – 1904/9/1  
1896/12 – 1898/3/10  
1890/4 – 1890  
1882/9/11 – 1883/8/5  
1877 – 1879  
1865/9 – 1865  
1852/2 – 1854/2  
1812 – 1813  
1788 – 1791  
1737/10/8 – 1737/10/15  
1727 – 1731  
1720 – 1721  
1697 – 1698  

9 Piip Boulevard, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683006, RUSSIA,
Institute of Volcanology and Seismology FEB RAS, KVERT
Phone/Fax: (415-2) 202044
E-mail: kvert@kscnet.ru, girina@kscnet.ru
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