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The following alphabet is used in transcribing native words: —

a,  e,  i,  u,.............. have their continental sounds (in the Chukchee and the Koryak always long).

o    ........................... like o in nor.

a    .......................... obscure vowel (long).

e     .......................... like a  in make.

a, e, i ........................ obscure vowels (short).

e     .......................... like a  in  bell, but prolonged.

j         ...................... a diphthong with an accent on i.    It always has a laryngeal intonation, "i'.

o.............................. between o and  u, long.

u  ............................ mouth in i position, lips in u position (short).

w; y.......................... as in English.

Extra long and extra short vowels are indicated by the macron and breve respectively.
The diphthongs are formed by combining any of the vowels with i and u.    Thus:
i.............................. like i     in hide.

ei................................"      ei     "   vein.

oj..............................  "    oi     "   choice.

au.............................     "   ow   "   how.

I    ........................... as in German.

I    ........................... pronounced with the tip of the tongue touching the palate a little above the alveoli

of the upper jaw, the back  of the tongue free.

L   ............................ posterior palatal  l,  surd and exploded, the tip of the tongue touching the alveoli

of the upper jaw, the back of the tongue pressed against the hard palate.

L   ............................ posterior palatal l, sonant.

r    ............................ as in French.

r    ........................... dental with slight trill.

r    ............................ velar.

m.............................. as in English.

n   ............................ as in English.

ñ   ............................ nasal n sound.

n'.............................. palatized n (similar to ny).

b, p.......................... as in English.

b', p', d', t', g', k'  have a spirant added (gekauchter Absatz of Sievers).

v............................... bilabial.

g   ............................ like g in good.

h   ............................ as in English.

x............................... like ch in German Bach.

x'..............................     "    ch  "        "        ich.

k............................... as in English.

q............................... velar k.

g    ......................... velar g.

d, t........................... as in English.

d'.., t '..    ........................... palatized (similar to dy and ty).

s    ........................... as in English.

s'............................... palatized (similar to sy).

s    ........................... like German z.

c    ...........................     "   English sh.

c    ............................     "   English ch.

j     ...........................     "   j in French jour.

j    ............................     "   j in joy.

c'............................... strongly palatized c.

J'   ............................ strongly palatized j.

!.................... designates increased stress of articulation.

d    ............................ a very  deep laryngeal intonation.

'.................... a  full pause between two vowels: yiñe'a.

  -.................... is used to connect.